Vice dean
Dr. Fahd Nasser Alsaleem
Vice dean - Unaizah College of Engineering
Unaizah College of Engineering stands out for its uncompromising focus
on high-quality engineering education. The vice-dean plays a significant
contributor to the college's development in general and plays its role in
following the college's strategic plan. The vice-dean office is working
alongside the staff team aiming to achieve the goals of the college, which are
aligned with Qassim University's strategic plan and 2030 Saudi vision. The vice
dean's office and its team pave the way to smoothly run the education process,
including assisting the faculty members and providing a conducive environment
for learning. Moreover, running routine maintenance to the buildings and
working alongside the specialist safety team in the university to keep people
and the college buildings safe. The vice-dean office is responsible for
publishing a yearly report for the college that shows the statistics and
summarize the progress and achievements. Also, serving the community is one of
the college goals that is achieved through the vice dean's office and its team.
The following units work under the supervision of the vice dean's office to
serve specific goals:
- Community Service Unit.
- Statistic Unit.
- Training and development unit.
- Sustainability Unit.
- Facilities and services unit.
- Student Club.
- E-Archive (Electronic archive) unit.